What is New Bolton Woods?

New Bolton Woods is a long-term development and regeneration project building on the existing community of Bolton Woods and making a New Bolton Woods – a thriving and sustainable new village with the wide range of facilities common to any successful place.

The area has great transport links and sits between Bradford City Centre and Shipley along the Canal Road corridor and adjacent to Frizinghall railway station.

As the project comes forward the local population will double to approaching 10,000 people and the mix and quality of housing will improve as up to 1,000 new homes are delivered. New Bolton Woods will also provide a purpose-built new local centre with a new Aldi food store and variety of other shops. The development will also include new medical centre, a school, sports and community facilities.

What will be delivered?

As an exciting mixed-use regeneration scheme, New Bolton Woods will encompass a range of uses to deliver a comprehensive new area serving the needs of the existing and future population. 

The masterplan sets out a vision for a residential-led scheme which will be supported by a new local centre. The first phase of this has already been completed with circa 250 new homes already occupied alongside a new Aldi and Costa Coffee drive-thru.

The next phase will see the delivery of further residential units and we hope to make some exciting announcements about this soon.

What will be delivered?

As an exciting mixed-use regeneration scheme, New Bolton Woods will encompass a range of uses to deliver a comprehensive new area serving the needs of the existing and future population. 

The masterplan sets out a vision for a residential-led scheme which will be supported by a new local centre. The first phase of this has already been completed with circa 250 new homes already occupied alongside a new Aldi and Costa Coffee drive-thru.

The next phase will see the delivery of further residential units and we hope to make some exciting announcements about this soon.

Get in Touch

We’re always keen to hear from new occupiers, residents or land enquiries for the space available at New Bolton Woods!

To find out more about this exciting scheme, please get in touch with us on the details below:

Canal Road Urban Village Limited
36 The Bridge Business Centre
Beresford Way, Chesterfield, S41 9FG

T: +44 (0)1246 260206
E: info@bolsterstone.com

© Canal Road Urban Village Limited